Wednesday, February 25, 2009

change you want to see

Coworking is an interesting phenomenon. It's a place where bloggers, programmers, writers, designers, and really just about anyone come together to co-habitat a space while working on individual projects. I ventured into Williamsburg today to check out the change you want to see, which is an art gallery space that is also used for daily coworking. The location seemed quite dismal but two very friendly coworkers greeted me inside - Alexis and Louise. They both were so open to converse about the space, coworking, and their jobs. They raved about how productive coworking is compared to any other job they had sitting in an office or cubicle. I imagine I would get great feedback on prototypes and concepts from these guys, which would fall in line with the premise of coworking. To foster a sense of community and spur innovation and creativity in a space where no two people are working on the same thing.

This Friday is jelly. It's a bi-weekly get-together of coworkers at higher numbers than usual at the same location and I can't wait to see what happens.

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